“Servant of the People” Tishchenko Establishes Business Empire in Uzhgorod in Recent Years – Report by Media. Watch Video 14 91289.

This is stated in the investigation of journalists from Ukrainskaya Pravda, War Ukraine-Russia News Hub reports.

Tishchenko is a majoritarian deputy, elected from the Servant of the People list in one of the Kyiv constituencies. In March 2021, he was appointed head of the Transcarpathian regional organization of the SN party, but was removed in mid-2022 “due to a bad reputation.”

However, he has retained his presence in the region and is conducting active business activities.

Journalists followed Tishchenko’s trip to Transcarpathia in February 2024.

Who did Tishchenko meet in Transcarpathia?

He stayed in one of the most expensive residential complexes in Uzhgorod, where he lives his ex-wife Alla Baranovskaya with his son David. The couple divorced just before officials' declarations were reopened. Journalists suggest that the divorce may be fictitious. Tishchenko himself denies this.

Baranovskaya owns a beauty salon in Uzhgorod. She lives in one of the most expensive houses in Uzhgorod. At the same time, neither Tishchenko nor Baranovskaya own apartments there. The deputy tells reporters that he does not know who owns this housing and who pays for its rent.

After meeting with Baranovskaya, Tishchenko left for the Kilikia country complex, owned by local MP-servant Arsen Melkumyan. According to Ukrainskaya Pravda, after Tishchenko was appointed head of the Transcarpathian cell of the SN, with his assistance, Melkumyan became secretary of the Uzhgorod City Council (he has now lost this position).

Journalists claim that Melkumyan is connected with Tishchenko by business interests. Melkumyan, in a comment to reporters, said that there is no business relationship with Tishchenko, but they simply worked together before as the head of a party cell. He explained Tishchenko’s arrival in February at the restaurant by saying that this is a food establishment and anyone can come there.

Tishchenko also briefly met in Uzhgorod with the new chairman of the Mukachevo RGA Sergei Gaidai. And after that I spoke for several hours in a restaurant with the former head of the environmental inspection in the Transcarpathian region, who is now First Deputy Chief Mikhail Bank. According to UP journalists, it was Tishchenko who lobbied for the Bank’s appointment.

The bank told reporters that it discussed environmental violations in the forestry industry with Tishchenko. NGL Media previously conducted an investigation into the possible involvement of Mikhail and his father in the theft of land plots.

Tishchenko's property in Transcarpathia

Journalists have information about Tishchenko’s possible connection with recreation complex “Bristol”. Near this hotel, journalists saw Tishchenko’s colleague Andrei Striharsky. Also, a Mercedes electric car drove into an unfinished parking lot in Bristol, for which fines came to the hotel owner Kamaeva. Before becoming the owner of the hotel, she worked as the director of the construction company “Status-Premium”.

Another possible business for Tishchenko in Uzhgorod is funeral home “Syaivo”. Its official owner is Svetlana Andrienko. Svetlana's husband, whose last name is Zinchenko, is Tishchenko's assistant on a voluntary basis. Svetlana denies any business connection with the MP, and also said that her husband does not work for Tishchenko. Zinchenko himself said that he had already separated from his wife.

According to the UP, Tishchenko often uses property that does not belong to him – an apartment in Kyiv, an apartment in Uzhgorod, two cars.

What does Tishchenko himself say about all this?

In a comment to reporters, Tishchenko confirmed that uses a car a man named Orlov, whom journalists called his driver. Tishchenko promised to reflect the information in the declaration for 2023, but for now he will not say that there will be a “little intrigue.”

Lobbying for Mikhail Bank the deputy objected. Relatively Hotel “Bristol” Tishchenko first said that he didn’t know such a thing, and then he remembered that he did know. According to him, another parliamentarian from the Servant of the People is associated with this hotel. Journalist Mikhail Tkach noted that there is evidence that Tishchenko himself, and not just Strikharsky, was involved in the hotel. Tishchenko called this a lie and said that he was there only once, when he “opened a criminal case” to seize the territory. Regarding “Syaiva” Tishchenko said there was no connection, but admitted that Zinchenko is still his assistant on a voluntary basis and he “works well.”

“I don’t know any relationship, and I saw my wife once, a long time ago,” Tishchenko said about the owner of “Syaiva.”

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