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Satellite images that have been posted online seemingly show the destructive aftermath of a Ukrainian strike on a Russian Black Sea Fleet vessel docked at the city of Kerch in annexed Crimea.
The cruise missile carrier was allegedly struck during a November 4 Ukrainian attack on the Zaliv shipyard, also referred to as Butoma, in east Crimea.
In the photos from California-based global imaging company Planet Labs, the shipyard appeared to have been the target of a strike, and the highlighted ship appeared damaged.
The images, obtained by Schemes, a project by U.S.-funded Radio Liberty, taken on October 31 and November 5, respectively showed the shipyard before and after the Ukrainian strike.
The “before” and “after” photographs show that the Project 22800 MRK (Karakurt) received at least one direct and noticeable hit on the starboard side in the area of the superstructure, in which the key control units of the ship and its weapons are located.
It can be seen that to eliminate the consequences, a crane was moved and additional booms were placed around the ship.
This ship will not be able to launch calibers towards Ukraine for at least several years.
“I think this ship was already docked at the pier and was being repaired because it was supposed to be launched in December. It is still afloat, but the upper part of the vessel is visibly damaged,” captain first rank of the Ukrainian naval reserve Andriy Ryzhenko said in a comment to ‘Schemes’ after analyzing the satellite image.
According to Ryzhenko, the neutralization of the ship is of great importance for Ukraine’s security.
On 4 November, Ukraine launched a series of strikes on a shipyard in occupied Crimea’s Kerch, reportedly with French SCALP missiles.
According to the Stratcom of Ukraine’s Army, successful strikes were carried out on a shipyard in Kerch, a city in immediate proximity to the Crimea bridge connecting the occupied peninsula to mainland Russia.
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Tags: Ukriane, Russia, Putin, Putler, Russian invasion of Ukraine, Zelenski, Kiev, Kyiv, Kadirov army, Kadirov, Kherson, Bucha, Kharkiv, Ukrainian pilots, vagners, Russian tanks, NATO, drones, Moscow, Kreml, war victims Ukraina,


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