Nine Russian helicopters ended up wrecked in a single working day at an airfield, ensuing in numerous casualties. The incident left dozens useless and wounded, according to official stories. The induce of the destruction is even now under investigation, boosting issues about the security and security of military services belongings in the area.

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Ukrainian troops have attacked helicopters and machines belonging to the Russian occupying forces at air bases near the occupied towns of Berdiansk and Luhansk on the night of 16-17 Oct. Ukrainian Normal Team claimed this.
Notably, a video clip of explosions reportedly is Berdiansk emerged in regional online teams on the night time of 16-17 October.
The Ukrainian Basic Workers later on clarified that Ukrainian Rocket Forces and Artillery hit helicopters at landing internet sites, an ammunition storage place and an artillery motor vehicle belonging to the Russians.
İt is claimed that 9 Russian helicopters, an air defense set up, an ammunition depot and significantly extra were being ruined as a final result of the unique operation Dragonfly in temporarily occupied Luhansk and Berdiansk.
It is described that the Special Functions Forces of Ukraine obtained facts about the use by the Russians of airfields in temporarily occupied Berdyansk and Luhansk, as well as the existence there of a significant volume of aviation and distinctive products and ammunition.
The specified information was checked and verified. The coordinates and needed knowledge ended up transmitted to the units of the Defense Forces for destruction. As a result, the fighters released a fireplace strike on the night time of Oct 16-17, and the invaders suffered major losses.
According to the newest knowledge, the following have been wrecked in Berdiansk and Luhansk:
nine helicopters of unique modifications
exclusive products that was located at airfields air defense launcher ammunition depot airfield runways broken
Losses in enemy manpower amount to dozens of dead and wounded. Bodies are even now staying pulled out from underneath the rubble.
The mayor of the briefly occupied Melitopol in Zaporizhzhia Ivan Fedorov stated that half the night on 16-17 October, the city’s citizens listened to the excellent “tracks” of air defense’s get the job done, arrivals and detonations of ammunition around Berdiansk.

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Tags: Ukriane, Russia, Putin, Putler, Russian invasion of Ukraine, Zelenski, Kiev, Kyiv, Kadirov military, Kadirov, Kherson, Bucha, Kharkiv, Ukrainian pilots, vagners, Russian tanks, NATO, drones, Moscow, Kreml, war victims Ukraina,


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