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Newly published footage from Ukraine appears to show the destruction of a Leopard 2A6 main battle tank by a Russian Lancet kamikaze drone. The heavy armor is one of the most modern battle tanks sent to Kiev by its Western backers.
Russian forces thwarted an attempt by Ukrainian troops to evacuate the damaged Leopard 2 tank from the battlefield near the city of Avdeevka in Donbass, reported RIA Novosti, which published the video of the strike.
Moscow’s troops only damaged the tank at first, forcing its crew to flee, a source with the Russian military told the news agency. Ukrainian forces then attempted to recover the disabled vehicle using a towing unit. The Russian soldiers, in turn, decided to “destroy it once and for all” and hit it with a Lancet drone, setting its turret on fire.
“Now, it’s hardly reparable anyway,” the source told RIA. A video published by the outlet and apparently taken from two drones, shows the abandoned heavy armor in the middle of a field, with a Russian unmanned aerial vehicle locking on the target and then hitting its right side, causing a small explosion.
Russian forces have regularly published videos of Western military equipment supplied to Kiev being destroyed by drones, artillery, helicopters, and other weapons.
Forbes reported that Kiev had lost “a quarter of its best German-made tanks,” describing Leopard 2s. A list of the destroyed equipment included older Leopard 2A4s, more modern Leopard 2A6s and Swedish Strv 122s, which according to the outlet, are “super-armored Swedish variants” of the German-made tanks.

Newly published footage from Ukraine appears to show the destruction of a Leopard 2A6 main battle tank by a Russian Lancet kamikaze drone. The heavy armor is one of the most modern battle tanks sent to Kiev by its Western backers.
Russian forces thwarted an attempt by Ukrainian troops to evacuate the damaged Leopard 2 tank from the battlefield near the city of Avdeevka in Donbass, reported RIA Novosti, which published the video of the strike.

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Tags: Ukriane, Russia, Putin, Putler, Russian invasion of Ukraine, Zelenski, Kiev, Kyiv, Kadirov army, Kadirov, Kherson, Bucha, Kharkiv, Ukrainian pilots, vagners, Russian tanks, NATO, drones, Moscow, Kreml, war victims Ukraina,


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