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A resident of Sevastopol, in Russian-occupied Crimea, tried to set a Russian military enlistment office on fire.
Crimea.Reality, a Crimea-based Telegram channel, reported this, with reference to anonymous Russian Telegram channels.
Sources told Crimea.Reality that the incident occurred around 19:00 on 11 November. Their reports indicate that Natalia, a 62-year-old resident of Sevastopol, approached the Russian military enlistment office at 41 Lenin St, took a Molotov cocktail out of her bag, and threw it at the doors of the building, starting a fire.
Russian media said the fire was extinguished and the woman was detained.
Crimea.Reality said Russian security forces and the military have not officially reported the incident.
Last week a Russian court sentenced a 20-year-old woman to six years in prison for trying to set fire to a military aid collection point.
She was “involved in an attempt to commit a terrorist act,” RIA Novosti reported, citing local security services. “She was sentenced to a term of six years in a general prison colony,” the security services said, alleging the woman was acting on the orders of a Ukrainian serviceman.

Every week, four or five wagons with weapons and other military cargo should arrive in Ukraine, only under such conditions can we count on victory in this war.
Colonel of the General Staff of Austria Markus Reisner said this in an interview with Deutsche Welle, Germany’s international broadcaster.
According to Reisner, the West believes that Ukraine should defeat Russia through moral superiority, but “it doesn’t work that way.”
“Every week, four or five trains with military cargo should go to Ukraine. There is a whole range of weapons that can be supplied. Otherwise, we must self-critically admit that this is impossible. Then we must tell the Ukrainians this and start negotiations,” he said.
Under the conditions of the start of negotiations, Ukraine will cease to exist in its current form, the colonel believes, “because the Russian Federation will simply destroy it.”

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Tags: Ukriane, Russia, Putin, Putler, Russian invasion of Ukraine, Zelenski, Kiev, Kyiv, Kadirov army, Kadirov, Kherson, Bucha, Kharkiv, Ukrainian pilots, vagners, Russian tanks, NATO, drones, Moscow, Kreml, war victims Ukraina,


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