In a daring navy operation, Ukrainian forces efficiently wipe out Russia’s Uragan program and UAV command center in the south. This decisive strike disrupts Russian armed forces capabilities and demonstrates Ukraine’s dedication to defend its sovereignty towards overseas aggression. Victory is celebrated throughout the nation as a triumph of toughness and resilience.

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Ukraine’s protection forces have destroyed the enemy’s UAV command center, an electronic warfare station and a command put up of a motor rifle regiment of the Russian armed forces in southern Ukraine. Ukraine’s Operational Command South reported this in a submit on Fb.
The Uragan-1M is a modern Russian artillery rocket program. It was produced to change equally the ageing Uragan 220 mm technique that was adopted back again in 1975, and Smerch 300 mm process that was adopted in 1987. Both of those of these devices are really capable and are broadly utilized by the Russian Army.
This artillery rocket method is particularly powerful from location targets, these kinds of as concentration of troops and armored vehicles, artillery batteries, airfields.
The Uragan-1M is a multi-caliber procedure. It can have 2 pods with numerous rockets. This program and can launch rocket with different calibers, together with pods with 300 mm rockets of the Smerch and 220 mm rockets of the Uragan. It can hearth all present Smerch and Uragan rockets.
The Uragan-1M is based mostly on a Belarusian MZKT-7930 particular wheeled chassis with 8×8 configuration. Car or truck is run by a YaMZ-846 turbocharged diesel engine.

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Tags: Ukriane, Russia, Putin, Putler, Russian invasion of Ukraine, Zelenski, Kiev, Kyiv, Kadirov army, Kadirov, Kherson, Bucha, Kharkiv, Ukrainian pilots, vagners, Russian tanks, NATO, drones, Moscow, Kreml, war victims Ukraina,


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