A video appeared on social networks with an appeal from a Chinese citizen who went to serve in the Russian army and ended up at the front in Ukraine. He complains that he has fallen ill, wants to terminate the contract and return home. But he is refused.
A video he posted earlier shows him arriving at a Russian military location. In the footage that appeared the other day, he says that he arrived in Ukraine, but wants to return to China:
“The battlefield could not break me, but the pain could. I have a sore throat and a lot of joint pain. It’s hard to say. There is no medical assistance here. The doctor prescribed elementary medicines and said that I was healthy. I answered that I want to heal, I want to leave here.
I walked for 40 minutes. Heavy snowfall. No connection, I only found a connection here to send the video. I have already contacted the Chinese embassy in Russia. They said it was my personal decision.
Please help Chinese people watching the video. Contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I want to cancel the contract. I need to go back home to China to recover. Serious heart problems. I can’t take care of myself anymore.
There is no medicine here. i will die I will die here. I feel terrible. I have been in this state for a week. Help me. I will die here. Nobody cares about me.”
It will be recalled that Nepal asked Russia not to recruit its citizens for the war in Ukraine. Before that, the authorities of Nepal reported the death of six citizens who served in the Russian army in Ukraine. Work was also carried out on the release of a Nepalese man from Ukrainian captivity.
The other day, “Ukraine-Russia News Hub” wrote that Russian servicemen under the influence of alcohol began to forcefully find out about relationships right at the base of the unit. The fight even turned into shooting. A video with a fragment of the conflict was shot by Russian soldiers.
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