Sometimes one gets the impression that the phrase “cartridge factory” is already made, an excellent example of which is not only Ukraine, but also France. After the closure of the Giat Industries plant in Le Mans in the late 90s, the French were left without the production of cartridges.
This was mentioned only in 2017, but 100 million euros were not found. In 2022, this was mentioned again and negotiations began with the Belgians, more precisely, with FN Browning Group. But these negotiations moved into practice only in May 2024, when an agreement of intent on the production of small-caliber ammunition was concluded.

According to the plan announced by the French Ministry of Defense, FN was supposed to create a production line in France, and while it was being built, purchases were made directly from the Belgian industry. Moreover, FN was already actively looking at French enterprises, including the bankrupt Verney-Carron.
But now, as the publication writes La Lettre, in Paris, revised its approach to cooperation with FN Browning Group and canceled exclusive agreements. According to the plan, the construction of a cartridge factory in France will take place on the terms of an open tender, which will be announced later.
That is, in any case, the decision to start creating cartridge production in France has been postponed again. And it does not matter why such a decision was made, either because of a logical motive to protect oneself from competitors’ lawsuits, or because of possible inconvenient conditions from FN Browning Group, or for other reasons.

It is also worth noting that the name of FN Browning Group does not hint at Paris’ possible desire to distance itself from the unstable US defense policy. Because FN Browning Group belongs to the Belgian federal region of Wallonia and is the parent company name for Fabrique Nationale Herstal and Browning Arms, which own the FN, Browning and Winchester brands.