“The Ukrainian Armed Forces Paratroopers Defeat Invading Assault Group Near Bilogorivka”
Fighters of the 81st separate airmobile brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed an assault infantry group of Russian invaders who attacked the unconquered front-line village of Bilogorivka, Luhansk region, in the Lymansky (Kreminsky) direction.
Stanislav Bunyatov (Osman), a blogger and fighter of the 24th separate assault battalion “Aidar” of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, told about this in his Telegram channel “Govoryat Sniper”:
“As a result of the shooting battle, fourteen orcs were permanently disabled (liquidated), seven temporarily (wounded), we have 1 wounded. A well-built defense is a guarantee of success.”
However, the Trikutnyk Telegram channel, which covers the course of hostilities in the Kharkiv and Luhansk regions and in the northeast of Donetsk region, reported:
“Bilogorivka. The situation is difficult. Katsaps use all available weapons and constantly storm our positions. As a result, the orcs have little progress east and north of the village.”
See his map.