russia Copies Ukrainian ShaBlya Robotic Gun Turret, Names It Chapai
russians continue to actively copy and imitate Ukrainian developments. Another example of this is Chapai remotely controlled machine gun turret.
This development was demonstrated at russian Armiya-2024 defense forum, which is currently taking place near Moscow. The development was presented by Era investment fund that finances russian arms developers.
This turret is a russian realization of Ukrainian development called ShaBlya. It has been authorized for use by the Armed Forces of Ukraine since September 2023, although it has been on the frontline since the anti-terrorist operation in eastern Ukraine. Since then, the turret has received numerous positive reviews from Ukrainian soldiers. It is contracted to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and is used not only as a separate turret but also as part of ground platforms.
russians completely repeated both the concept and implementation in their Chapai turret. In particular, russian development has remote control and uses an optical sighting module. It is also adapted for different machine guns such as 7.62 PK, 12.7 mm NSV or Kord.
As of today there is only an exhibition sample, not a series product. But there is a possibility that it, or a similar copy of Ukrainian turret, will be mass-produced.
Earlier War Ukraine-Russia News Hub reported that the Kalashnikov concern had begun state trials for the Lotos 120 mm self-propelled artillery gun.