The Russian army increased offensive activity along the entire front line. At the same time, the number of losses increased.
About this in reported intelligence agency of the Ministry of Defense of Great Britain.
According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as of January 19, the number of Russian shelling on the front in Ukraine increased by 27% compared to the previous day. If we compare the period of January 14-18 with the previous week, the increase in the number of shellings can also be observed.
According to analysts, during this period the number of losses of Russian military equipment increased by 88%, tanks – by 95%. Infantry losses in the Russian army increased by 15% during this period.
“These data indicate a steady increase in the intensity of Russian offensive activity on the entire front during the past two weeks. A key contributing factor to this is most likely soil freezing. This allows armored vehicles to move over rough terrain“, the summary states.
It will be recalled that British intelligence analyzed the situation on the left bank of the Kherson region. In particular, in Krynk, where the Russian occupying forces cannot dislodge the Ukrainian forces despite their numerical superiority.
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