The Israelis, with the help of the Americans, adapted the F-35I Adir aircraft to carry four JDAM precision bombs on external underwing slings. This turns the F-35 into a specialized bomber.
The Israeli Air Force has announced the receipt of another three F-35 Adir aircraft. The machines flew from the United States and became part of No. 116 Squadron at the Nevatim base. On this occasion, the achievement of the engineers of the Israeli Test Flight Center was presented.
Together with the F-35 manufacturer – Lockheed Martin – and the F-35 bureau operating at the Pentagon, it managed to integrate the F-35 with JDAM (Joint Direct Attack Munition) externally suspended glide bombs.
This means the ability to carry not two, but six bombs of this type, plus air-to-air armament for self-defense. It is likely that the first three aircraft that have just arrived are the first to be adapted in this way.
According to the Israel Defense Forces, the upgrade is to significantly increase the capabilities of the F-35I as a strike machine. This solution is potentially interesting from the point of view of other F-35 users.
Glide bombs in Ukraine have proven to be a very effective means because they can be dropped on the enemy from a safe distance for the aircraft, they are cheap and mass-produced weapons, and in addition, they are almost impossible to intercept after being dropped.
It is not clear how far-reaching the conversion of the F-35 requires in order to use JDAM bombs externally. Until now, however, it was theoretically assumed that air-to-ground (i.e. heavy) armament carried under the wings would be used, so it seems that any aircraft of this type could potentially be adapted to it.
Of course, it is impossible not to notice that making the F-35 a machine that carries bombs externally is the most beneficial solution for a country that is fighting an opponent defenseless against aviation, because it does not have air defense systems. In such situations, all the parameters of the combat aircraft become less important than the firing unit it can carry.
Israel has ordered a total of 75 F-35I Adir and has gained the most combat experience of any F-35 user during the ongoing wars in the Middle East, with several thousand combat missions and 15,000 flight hours flown in combat. These were missions primarily against the enemy without air defense.
The F-35 can carry a maximum of over 8 tons of armament