Operators of the “Sharp Cartridges” unit of the National Guard noticed the occupier, who, despite the complete absence of snow, dressed up in a white camouflage coat and froze under a tree in it.
The video with the eccentric was Published on March 5 on the unit channel.
It is not known what the invader was counting on. Either he did not notice that the snow had already melted, or he decided to surprise our pilots. One way or another, I got a reset.
“Foot Crusher (ammunition for drops) knocks out all evil spirits and cleanses our forests of monsters.
A successfully dropped blaster gave the bastard an asshole. The enemy will no longer have to dress in white sheets and scare people,” commented the video in Sharp Cars.
As NEWS HUB reported, operators of the “Sharp Cartridges” unit of the National Guard calculated how many drones and ammunition they spend on each killed Russian attack aircraft.