For many years, we have not been able to break the powerlessness in the training of the army, and especially in the preparation of personal reserves, which we have practically lost over the past 15 years as a result of their “aging”. In the article for there was a commander of the Land Forces, General Broni in the Senior of Space Waldemar Skrzypczak presents the concept of rebuilding the reserve system.
Reaching after advanced age reservists arouses pity smiles among them. These reserves do not know that they are the subject of military statistics, for which the age and efficiency of the soldier do not necessarily count, and the immortal statistics, which shows what resources we have, blurring the real picture of the military ability of reservists and the abilities of the armed forces to defend their homeland.
Use the remaining time
Over the years, a model of collecting personal reserves has not been built. Different models were reached, none of which in Polish conditions worked and none will work, due to different social and social conditions, as well as ideas – or rather lack of them. Institutional memory allows you to go back to the last thirty years of changes in the state and in the army. We’ve done many models in various configurations. Swiss too. And does this mean that we are at the starting point?
Polish specificity does not allow to transfer patterns from other armies on a “one to one” basis. Prime Minister Tusk announced that the citizens’ training model will be developed by the end of the year. The Prime Minister is very kind to those who are to develop such a model. Time is running awayand the Russians will not be so kind. Since we have patterns that politicians refer to, what prevents you from working out by practical pilot exercises?
The development of the model assumptions in two or three versions is a maximum of two months. During this time, you can prepare the training base for experiment and identify volunteers for training. Pilot training in the three -month dimension can be completed by the end of October. Based on this, applications should be developed and by the end of the year the government should be presented to the government’s recommendations which system in Polish conditions is optimal. Thanks to this, from the beginning of 2026 it would be possible to start training throughout the country based on adopted solutions.
Put on education
The idea of training all young Poles for the needs of the state defense system is probably coming back. Of course, this will cause social dissatisfaction and it may turn out that the percentage of those who want to avoid such training in polls will increase dramatically.
Collecting reserves is a system that should be integrated into all education systems implemented in the country. This is a process that lasts for years. There is no system that gives fruit immediately after its implementation, if only due to the efficiency of the training system using the army that has its own tasks.
The education system creates great opportunities in the preparation of personal reserves. It was a practice in Poland before and after World War II. Secondary schools and universities took part in this process. In the process of school and university education, compulsory participation in military training should be introduced.
Secondary schools should prepare reserves. In a four- or five-year cycle that meets specific conditions, the role of reserve non-commissioned officers can be trained, without defining their military specialties.
During the school year, two days (one weekend) for military training (excluding December and June) should be used each month. In total, it gives 16 training days each year, which in a four -year cycle means 64 training days. In turn, during the holidays of first, second and third grade high schools, two -week military camps should apply. They would be thoroughly in military garrisons with a training base (on the basis of investigating eight hours a day, plus night training twice a week for four hours). In total, we are dealing here with 128 hours of exercise, which after three years gives 384 training hours. In addition, there would be a weekend training lasting 64 hours. So together it comes out 448 hours in three years of study.
After graduating from high school and qualifying for universities, a ten -day training camp would be foreseen, which would serve as a summary of the current training and ended with an examination of the reserve non -commissioned officer. A positive passing of the exam would entitle you to advance to the rank of priest’s reserve. Those among those who were to the exam who would not pass him would be transferred to the reserve as an older rank. Mobilization allocation would be granted to them to an auxiliary units. They could still apply for appointment to professional military service for a selected military formation.
Reserve non -commissioned officers who will not apply for higher studies may apply for admission to school for non -commissioned reserve in a selected military specialty. Training in such a school should last at least 12 – 16 months. This school is preparing a team commander (equivalent) in a selected military specialty. After completing it, i.e. successful passing the exam, the reserve non -commissioned officer may apply for admission to professional military service or be transferred to the reserve with the assignment given and subject to training as part of the exercises of reserve soldiers.
In the case of 5-year technician students, the dimension of training in hours will increase by 192 hours, which in total guarantees 640 training hours. Technician students can basically be profiled from the beginning in specific military specialties resulting from the school profile. The successfully passed non-commissioned examination after 5 years of study allows you to appoint a corporal rank and include a graduate as a corps of non-commissioned officers of the acquired military specialty and give a mobilization assignment to the military unit according to the acquired qualification. The non -commissioned officer may apply for admission to professional military service or stay in reserve and be subject to training as part of reserve exercises.
Graduates of high school, already providing reserve, who start the next stage of education at universities, are subject to further military education process.
What about students?
All students should be covered by a uniform training system as part of the preparation of resources of reserve officers. Similarly to high school They should apply for weekend training and training camps after each year of study within three yearswhich in total is 448 training hours. This training should be focused primarily on shaping the commander ready for command at a platoon level, equivalent. After three years of study, a training camp would be organized, during which an officer exam would be held. Those who pass the exam receive the degree of reserve cadet. Those who fail will remain in the corps of reserve non -commissioned officers.
For reserve cadets who declare the readiness of further military education, reserve cadet schools should be established and in a 10-month training, train in a selected military specialty. Reserve cadets should be created at selected specialized military units. For example, the Divisional School of Cadet Reserves should train for the needs of mechanized subunits and tanks according to the types of weapons in a given division. In one training cycle, there should be no more reserve cadets at the Divisional School of Officer Cadet, more than two – three school platoons, in each after twenty cadets. This is to serve the effectiveness of training and not burden the professional staff of the division with too large range of additional tasks.
Other military specialties, e.g. artillery They should be trained in artillery units in one – two school platoons for the needs of barrel and rocket artillery. It should be similar in other formations. For rare specialties – but needed – reserve cadets should be created in training centers, where cadets for the needs of the entire armed forces would be trained. Training at the Reserve Officer Cadet School should end with an exam for a reserve officer.
Graduates of reserve cadet schools could apply for appointment to professional military service. After a period of command in a military unit for at least six months, they could be appointed to the rank of second lieutenant after obtaining a positive opinion of the commander of the military unit and at his request.
The range of non -commissioned schools should be extended beyond typical military specialties. For example, for medical services, where a huge deficit in reserves is recorded. You can probably identify other deficits. At universities, such non -commissioned schools can be organized.
Use the sluggish potential
I think that in Poland we have enormous potential to organize the system – or to it – to organizewhich will allow for a period of 8-10 years to rebuild personal reserves resources, above all in non -commissioned and officer corps, in which there is a huge deficit. The hanging of the consumption of such a gap would not fill. The resources accumulated in this way would fill the structures of reserve units and ensure the training of citizens incorporated into the army in the event of a crisis and war when the combat units were on the front.
In the military training process, apart from the armed forces former professional soldiers, from whom the veterans’ body should be urgently formed, giving them special mobilization assignments and directing them to perform duties in high schools and at universities. They should be covered by a special financing program for their participation in the process described above.
Another preparation system must be covered by those of citizens who do not undertake to continue education but take up work. It is purposeful to impose an obligation on employers to direct their employees to military training, which should be organized at the level of every poviat, city, etc. by the crisis staff of the staroste, mayor or president for the needs of civil defense tasks.