British motorsports enthusiasts descended on the muddy hills of northern England on January 20 to find this year’s Gold Star champion in sporting trials. Unlike most other motorsports, sporting trials are not about speed, instead, drivers try go get as far as they can through a twisty, hillside course without stopping. Each of the course’s ten sections is marked with flag poles that drivers have to manoeuvre around with the help of a passenger, also known as a bouncer, who shifts their weight around the two-wheel drive car. For every flag not cleared a driver is charged a point, meaning the driver with the lowest cumulative score at the end of the day wins. Drivers at this year’s Gold Star Final, a highly prestigious event and the end of the season, had to contend with cold and slippery conditions, made worse as the event progressed and grass became mud.
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British petrol heads race up muddy hills in Cumbria during unusual motorsport
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